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Can a brand be equally strategy-first, customer-first, and digital-first? The question is - can it afford not to be? Today, strategy happens at the speed of business.


Platform Thinking and understanding your Interaction Field will create a brand that thrives in the platform economy. For 20 years our consulting firm has helped business leaders drive impact through understanding the bond between Business & Brand. In 1999, we said: "Your brand strategy is the face of your business strategy." These words are more true than ever. But customers, participants, market dynamics and data are just the start. Knowing and growing your Interaction Field is the only way to a brand that means business in a platform world.


Platform Thinking drives creativity that thrives in today’s customer-driven and always-on marketing landscape. A brand’s purpose, its positioning and its identity must be created with your Interaction Field in mind. We’re a strategy firm with a creative agency, social agency and digital agency mindset. Our focus on platforms and interaction fields is proprietary and the missing link that drives engagement and disruption in this customer-first and digital-first marketing landscape. We’re passionate about creating business impact through the unexpected— and if you’re looking to disrupt you’ve come to the right place.


Platform Thinking helps define & design your commercial offering in this new era of building brands. Context, conversation, communication, collaboration, and culture—are the only ways to drive meaningful impact today. Get them wrong and you’ll create more confusion than commerce. The world's most interesting companies work with Vivaldi's strategy consulting, creative, performance marketing and product design teams to drive commercial impact, observe what we've accomplished in-market and act upon what we've learned.

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A growth plan is meaningless if it never leaves the deck. Brands that discover their Interaction Field know how to win. Let's move your customers, and the needle.

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